So I have 8 seatbelts in my van, including mine. Who are the 7 others I can go pick up? We have to make this fast to beat the crowd!
Right away my life-long best friend Kelley comes to mind - we met in pre-school. I was 3yrs, she was 4. Kelley has CP among some other conditions that make it hard to get in the van, so she gets the front seat...
Then, of course, I run to pick up Dave's sister LeeAnn, also a front-seater (for the same reasons)...
Let's go on out to Newberg & grab Blake for the day -- he's probably busy leading students on campus, but he's gonna love being part of this...
We need to zip out to Sherwood to pick up Amy, 'cuz my goodness, she's had enough of getting slammed by ailment after ailment!...
We'd better throw in a carseat, so I can pick up little baby Lydia who was recently diagnosed with cancer. I can't forget to bring her new little cap her Aunt knit for her since her soft, new baby hair is about to fall out due to chemo...
Let's squeeze in a Hurley girl (or two) 'cuz I'm gonna need help watching baby Lydia!...
And last but not least, in THIS round anyway (I've already decided I have to go back for more until the gas runs out!) I have to get Gramma Connnie Bubbles! She will love being part of this trip & and we all know she will keep us entertained on the way there!...
You see, I was reading this morning in Matthew 4 about how as soon as Jesus hit the town of Galilee, He was teaching, preaching the good news, and healing "every disease and sickness among the people." As you can imagine, news about Him spread like wildfire and "people brought to Him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed, and He healed them."
I would be all over that! As I pictured who I would load up in my mini-van and take to see Him, immediately this list grew longer than imaginable! Maybe I can't take you to 'see Him' in this same way as I read here, but together we can go get others & take them to see Him now! Come on, let's go!
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