Night Stands I call them. Little holders of light and treasures.
A long time ago Grandma Proehl shared with me about taking the time to look around at our lives and write about it -- take a snapshot in time. She was so great at it, sometimes she would write a letter and describe her day, her surroundings, what was going on at that moment. In that same spirit of remembering, I offer these fun little snapshots of the things that found a "place of honor" in the kids' rooms.
T.Micheal's treasures include the super-cool pinewood derby car he and Dad made in the cub scouts last year -- complete with storm trooper driver! Also included are books, a pencil/tracing paper picture (given by a girl), sports box Kleenex, a battery-less flashlight, a lego star ship and lego person and some magnetic shapes that he loves to make into different things.
McKenzie's treasures include silly string, a 3-D light-up Angel, several stuffed animals, sequins, jewelry, a red flashlight, a letter from Grandma Domon, several folded up school papers (recently pulled from pockets), little painted rocks and the Nutshell Library collection by Maurice Sendak.
I love it! Now I'm going to take a little walk around and see what treasures I can uncover. You are so great, Jen!
...the Nutshell Library! That little set of books also found a place of honor on my dresser many years ago when I was a young girl. They still do...on the shelf in my den. Love them once...love them twice...love them chicken soup with rice! :)
You have the sweetest perspective on things! I miss you, thought I saw you at the store yesterday and my heart skipped a beat . . . then she turned around :(
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