Wow, I'm really humbled by your responses. You are much nobler than I, but since this is a truthful blog, I have to admit I would choose Elton John. It's not that I endorse his thoughts or choices, but almost every one of his songs can strike up a life-memory of one time or another...and Crocodile Rock, well...it rocks!
Ok, I have to admit questions like this make me freeze up a bit. I take forever to decide in the "Would you rather..." game too! Too many artists...too many songs. Two that kept coming up in my mind were James Taylor (
Greatest Hits) and Gordon Lightfoot (Gord's Gold).
It all depends on the type of island:
Tropical Island? Jimmy Buffet
Hawaiian Island? Israel
Gilligan's Island? The Beatles
Rhode Island? Billy Gilman
Long Island? Billy Joel
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