"...in Jesus' name, amen." Is how I usually end our prayer at dinner, but tonight T.Michael interrupted me with, "No, not amen. Jesus, thank you that Jackson is with you in heaven, and that now he can praise You there...in Jesus' name, Amen."
You see, earlier today I had to let T.Michael know his little buddy Jackson from T-ball last year passed away because of cancer. I was so nervous to tell him, because he's been having some of his own anxiety about death and loss. Jackson's Dad had explained how to share the news, he encouraged me to present the facts and see how T.Michael wants to process it.
So, today was the day. I showed him Jackson's photo, and told him about the cancer, and that Jackson's body died. And he said, "Okay." And walked back to play his video game. I wasn't sure if he understood, but after hearing him pray with such confidence and peace, I know he gets it. I didn't mention anything about Jackson praising Jesus in heaven...he just knows.
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