My great Friend-of-Faith MP has shown me by example what a God-fearing woman does when life throws you a curve! You may remember me mention her in a previous blog or two, but I always referred to her as one of my "KB Friends."
Like so many of us these days, she has been job-hunting lately and it has been a real eye-opener for me, seeing how she has tackled this whole burden from beginning to...job.
First, a long time before she needed a new job, she asked for prayer for wisdom about it. Then she sought wise counsel -- her husband, parents, Mother-in-law, KB Friends (including me!) She did the hard work,you know--following up on leads, applying, interviewing...then before long she was offered two really good jobs!
How does one decide between good and good? They were both really great opportunities, one even included some "status" in the community. But how to decide?
Now, Jen, you might ask, where does the whole "Momma Bear" blog title come into play? Good question! The important detail I haven't mentioned yet is that my friend has two amazing middle-school age boys at home, and what I have really learned from her through this whole thing is how to make big decisions in light of putting family first.
In the end it wasn't about which job she wanted most, or about status. In the end it came down to what the boys needed (in having a parent available to them in the afternoons, even though they're "old enough" to be on their own) and which job would keep her closer to home. Things like that. I mean this lady was like a Momma Bear protecting her cubs -- and nothing, I mean nothing was going to get in the way of her protecting those boys.
And this I respect and admire very much.
PS. Alyssa, thanks for the great advice you left on my last post! You Rock Chica!